Monday, October 24, 2016

Digital Imaging 2: Pen tool exercises

Save both images to your computer and open them in Illustrator.  Follow the directions to practice the Pen tool.  When finished with both exercises, Save file for Microsoft (PNG) and post both to your blog.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Digital Imaging 1: Selection tool Worksheet and Exercise

Save to your Desktop and follow the instructions I give you to place the objects correctly on the plate.  Save as a JPEG and post to blog when finished.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Digital Imaging 1: The Clone Wars

Objective (goals): Create a Composite photo of 5 or more images using the layer mask tool to merge them all.

  • You must take AT LEAST 30 pictures for this project. This gives you options to choose from if something does not work. You will be making and submitting a contact sheet on your blog to prove you took these pictures.
  • You may use 5 or more images to create your composite image with 5 or more clones.
  • Dimensions will be 8X10 or 10X8 inches with 300 Res.
  • Play! Make your clone interaction fun and interesting!
  • Be careful not to UPSTAGE. Having one clone directly in front of another, blocking them.
To Make a contact sheet:  Open Photoshop>File>Automate>Contact Sheet II. Then browse what file or folder you want to open and hit Okay.  Save all tabs as JPEGS.

Layer Mask Demo:
Graphic Arts: skillful communication of type and image
Composition: The arrangement of subjects/elements on a picture plane.
Rule of Thirds: A grid used to arrange a strong composition by placing a subject/element in 1-3 of the 4 spots the lines intersect.  Horizon lines should be placed above or below the horizontal lines of the grid.
Layer mask: a grayscale layer attachment that you can edit in order to help blend layers of images together and create soft transitions between elements. Looks like a square with a circle inside.
Composite Image/photo: An image that is compiled of multiple images layered on top of one another.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Digital Imaging 2: Mix Media Polaroid

Objective (Goal):  Create a mixed media self-portrait that uses a combination of Photoshop and other materials in a dynamic composition that has depth (foreground, middle, background).


·         Design at 8 x10, 300 resolution on Photoshop

·         Must be a self-portrait using an original image (very clear and high resolution if possible)

·         Must use at least 12 polaroids

·         Image can break out of the space if desired

·         Some Polaroids can be black and white versus color (can also desaturate on Photohsop for minimal color or colorize using blend modes if desired)

·         Self-portrait image outside of the Polaroid squares must be deleted

·         Must have a foreground, mid-ground, and background

·         Background and foreground must include some form of fine art that you produce and take a picture of or scan in (cut paper, drawings, paintings, etc)
·         Inclusion of typography is encouraged but not mandatory
Mixed Media: the use of a variety of media(materials) in a work of art.
Composition: The arrangement of subjects/elements on a picture plane.
Rule of Thirds: A grid used to arrange a strong composition by placing a subject/element in 1-3 of the 4 spots the lines intersect.  Horizon lines should be placed above or below the horizontal lines of the grid.
Color Theory: Color theory (in artistic terms) is the concept of combining colors to reach the desired result. In website development this has proven to be extremely important for both psychological and physiological reasons.
Layering: To overlap 2 or more objects
the part of a view that is nearest to the observer

Mid-ground: the area in an image that is half way between the foreground and background
Background: the area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation