Student will:
- · Draw an original image of themselves in a cartoon format
- · Generate a pen tooled digital cartoon over an original drawing in Illustrator and apply color in Photoshop
- · Identify and practice using basic Illustrator and Photoshop tools and keyboard shortcuts to help them achieve their design (pen tool, direct selection tool, anchor points, smooth tool, shapes, path eraser, paintbrush, etc.)
- Reflect upon the process
- What is the pen tool and how is used in Illustrator?
- What are some of the tools that can be used with the pen tool in order to achieve a desired result?
- How can you use the paintbrush in Photoshop to apply shading and highlights?
- Illustrator: A full-featured drawing program for Windows and
Macintosh from Adobe.
- Pen Tool: The primary drawing tool in illustration software. The pen tool allows the user to position anchor points and control the shape of the line by controlling the control handles that extend from the anchor points
- Select Tool: Black arrow, used to move entire shapes.
- Direct Select tool: White arrow, used to move small sections of shapes.
- Cartoon: a drawing of (someone) in a simplified or exaggerated way
goes over cartoon images and discusses how cartoons can be exaggerated with
various expressions to portray mood.
2. Students begin original contour
drawings portraying themselves as a cartoon (FULL BODY) to come up with a final version on
8 ½ x 11 inch paper.
3. Student outline drawing in extra-fine
point black Sharpie and erase pencil lines before scanning into the computer.
4. Teacher demonstrates how to set up
Illustrator document and lock drawing onto its own layer with low opacity in
order to use as a template and build over using the pen tool.
5. Pen tool techniques are reviewed as
well as stroke (line weight), the shape tools, smooth tool, and path eraser
6. Students pen tool over outlines of
their original drawing using only black and making sure to avoid any gaps in
the lines
7. Students copy and paste only the pen
tooled image into Photoshop and apply color using the fill tool, gradient tool,
and paintbrush to apply shading and highlights (demonstrated by teacher)
8. Students work on various layers using
selections and create a copy of their original work so that they do not paint
over their black lines.
9. Students write a one paragraph reflection
using Microsoft Word commenting on their drawing choices and expressions used
to best represent themselves as well as the actual process.

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